The Argument Against Evil: The Argument Against the Truth
The following logic I’ve only encountered once in a debate, but I thought it was important to touch on this anyways.
After I pulled out the verse from a previous essay about homosexuality, one person I was debating replied and pulled out this verse:
“You shall not wear cloth of wool and linen mixed together.” -Deuteronomy 22:11 (ESV)
Turns out most clothes are made out of that mix, so is that a sin?
There are three types of law in the Old Testament.
Ceremonial Law - The law which pertains to Ceremonies and traditions. These laws can be ignored, as Christ fulfilled them when he died and rose again.
Civil Law - Contains laws about the Israeli government in Old Testament times. Can also be ignored, but should be studied and applied to New Testament law that agrees with these laws.
Moral Law - The law that reflects God’s nature to us. It’s how we are to look at our morality. This law still applies to Christians today.
So which category does the verse from Deuteronomy fall into? It turns out that this specific law was put into effect because it had to do with a specific Ceremony. So it falls into the Ceremonial law, which means that law isn’t in effect today.
What about the verse that says Homosexuality is wrong? Well, because this deals with morality, it falls into the Moral law category.
You probably won’t encounter these arguments much in debate, but I thought I would touch on it anyways. This essay (I hope) is not only helpful to non-Christians who are wondering about this, but for Christians who don’t know how to differentiate the laws.
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